Saturday, October 23, 2010

Testimony (Football)

I play football for the East High Warriors of Erie, PA. We had a game yesterday and i did extremely well glory to God. But the reason for this was because of my sacrifice. The book of Judges chapter 20 tell us about a great war that went on the consist of 3 battles. They prayed, fasted, and seek him. The first 2 battles were lost but the third time because of there obedience they defeat the foe even tho they were out numbered. This story drove me as such. I fasted, seek the Lord, read this chapter and prayed yesterday. With me doind that i went into this battle, this competition, this game with my mind focused on the game and God. I had 3 tackles and 1 interception. Even tho we lost, i won but for in me and a for a different battle. Spiritual battle. Establish a prayer life and be obedient to the voice of God.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Prayer Request (Bus Stop)

I was coming from football practice going home on my normal bus I ride on and it was just me and this young man in a wheelchair on the bus. The bus we was on was ending its route early because that particular bus was done. So we had to get off and catch the same bus.He was goin to Saint Vincents Hospital to see someone in surgery that mite not make it. So as we was talkin bout that and the situation around it. With the unfortunate happening of us having to get of the bus he may not be able to see this person and visitation ends at 8 and it was 7:40. The holy spirit prick my heart and said PRAY!!!! So I did, i dont kno if this man made it in time or if this person lived but God honors prayer. So i gave it all to him by sending my prayer up as a smoke signal as I joined hands with a person i didn't know.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I was baptized on 8/15 in the Holy Ghost. That day I took up my cross and I started my journey of walking whole heartily with the Lord. Now Ive been baptized in the water. That's me showing God that I officially am giving myself to him. When I went down in the water I gave up living life thru sin and I came up a new creature. Also as i was riding down the street coming from service, there was this scripture on a billboard. It was John 14:6-11.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Revelation (Brother D)

On 9/8/10 thru the Holy Spirit I was told to give a word to a brother in the the church. I wasn't to sure that I was moved to tell him that. Because its common now for church folk to say "It was on my spirit" or "Thru the holy spirit" the lord told me something. So the Lord reassured me that he is they way, the truth, and the life by giving my Pastor (Elder Curtis Henderson) the same word thru him being sensitive to the Holy Ghost and the Spirit realm. During service on the Sunday after, this occurred on 10/03/10. Pastor was praying over people, and the man i ministered this word to was laying prayer shawls on people and the Spirit moved Pastor and told him to say the same thing I told him the Sunday before. I stood up started crying and just praising God...